INTERNAL - Equinox Terminal L5000 System requirements

Last Updated: December 12, 2020

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INTERNAL - Equinox Terminal L5000 System requirements


Terminal L5000

Terminal L5300


L5000 family of terminals must use the minimum software versions below. Any terminal manufactured before May 1st 2015 may have hardware compatible issues. If the minimum FPE application is not downloaded, the contactless hardware on the L5300 will not work.



OS versionPart NumberDescriptionPCI Version 
v05.10-20141015930256-214EService SW RPM, L5000 L5x-os-V05.102014-2.0 CA-Prod2 
930262-216EService SW RPM, L5000 L5x-os-V05.102014-3.0 CA-Prod3 
non-SRED FPE32
Part NumberDescriptionPCI Version 
7.P.409930257-136EService SW RPM, FPE32 7.P.409-2.0 CA-Prod2 
930257-138EService SW RPM, FPE32 7.P.409-3.0 CA-Prod3 
SRED FPE32 VersionPart NumberDescriptionPCI Version 
7.S.409930257-140EService SW RPM, FPE32 7.S.409-2.0 CA-Prod2 
930257-142EService SW RPM, FPE32 7.S.409-3.0 CA-Prod3 


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