INTERNAL: Can a merchant use their Sage merchant account with a shopping cart other than the built-in VT Shopping Cart?

Last Updated: December 12, 2020

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Can a merchant use their Sage merchant account with a shopping cart other than the built-in VT Shopping Cart?


Yes, merchants (prospective or otherwise) are not limited to the Shopping Cart that comes with the standard Virtual Terminal. This is done in one of three ways:

  1. Through the Sage gateway (VT).
  2. Through a third-party gateway (eg,
  3. Through a custom integration.

Through the Sage gateway

  1. The merchant needs to identify their desired eCommerce solution.
  2. Due to the scope of available integrations, as well as the nature of their independent development, Sage does not maintain a list of compatible third-party shopping carts or eCommerce solutions. The merchant and/or sales representative is responsible for determining whether the third-party product is compatible with the Sage Payment Solutions gateway. (Important: please review Who or what is SagePay?)  This is usually done by visiting the Support section of their webpage and searching for "Payment Gateways", checking for "Sage Payment Solutions" among their list of compatible gateways.
  3. If the integration is compatible, the merchant will need a Virtual Terminal. Their welcome email will contain their Merchant ID (MID) and Merchant Key (MKEY), which will be required to configure their new eCommerce solution.

Through a third-party gateway

  1. If the merchant's desired eCommerce solution is not compatible with Sage Payment Solutions, it may be compatible with another gateway that can process through their Sage merchant account.
  2. Of the compatible gateways, the merchant should choose one that is compatible with the TSYS/Vital processing front-end. is an example, but is not the only option. The gateway provider should be contacted to determine fees and confirm compatibility.
  3. The third-party gateway can then be added as additional equipment on the merchant account. Technical Support will generate a VAR Sheet, which the gateway provider will need to connect the gateway to the Sage merchant account. The gateway provider will also provide an equivalent of our MID/MKEY, which will be necessary to connect the eCommerce solution.

Through a custom integration

  1. If the merchant has the human resources to develop their own integration -- or the financial resources to hire a third-party developer -- they should begin by registering on the Developer Connection
  2. Upon approval, they will have access to all the necessary documentation to build their own integration.


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