INTERNAL: AVS Risk option under Bankcard in the VT Admin

Last Updated: December 12, 2020

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INTERNAL: AVS Risk option under Bankcard in the VT Admin


What is the Risk control option under Bankcard in the VT Admin for AVS?


This setting is used to generate an email to the merchant(customer/processor does not seem to do anything at this time). This email is generated when a transaction is processed and receives and AVS response for No Match or Not Processed.

This WILL NOT stop a transaction from processing, that is still controlled by the VT Risk Settings. The “value” field is used to control the AVS failure notification that exceed that amount. So 0 will generate a response for all transaction while 5000 will only generate that notification for transaction over $5000.

Below is a sample email that the merchant should receive. You will notice below "Processed : Transaction was NOT stopped” is displayed. This is not tied to the VT Risk Controls and is not an indication of whether the VT based risk controls actually stopped the transaction.

Dear Virtual Terminal Test Account:

The following transaction tripped a system parameter, AVS FAILURE.

If the transaction was not processed please contact the customer to arrange an
alternate form of payment.

Transaction Information


Processed : Transaction was NOT stopped

Risk Message : AVS FAILURE

Risk Code : 650012

Order Number : VT11132013105825

Total Amount : 10.00

Customer Information


Name :

Address : 132 Main St

City : McLean

State : AL

Zip : 22102

Country : US

Telephone :

Fax :

Email :

Last Modified: 03/03/2015

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