INTERNAL: Quickly locating Users in the Sage Virtual Terminal

Last Updated: December 12, 2020

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 Sage Virtual Terminal (VT4) – User interface


When a merchant has a large list of Users, attempting to find a particular user within the VT is a daunting task.

These steps will help avoid navigating through hundreds of pages to find a user as shown below.


Please, follow the steps below for an easier way to find a user in the Virtual Terminal (User facing and not the Admin facing.)


  1. Log into the VT admin Tool, and launch the Virtual Application to access the User Admin (See screenshot below.)

  2. Once the VT opens, Click on Configuration > Users > Edit

  3. Turn Off the Grid Paging option and Click on Update user to save the changes

    The page numbering should be suppressed, and all users will appear on one page, allowing you to easily locate them by utilizing the Windows Find Utility (CTRL+F).

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