INTERNAL: When to Transfer a Call to a Business Unit (BU)

Last Updated: December 12, 2020

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INTERNAL: When to Transfer a Call to a Business Unit (BU)


What steps to take before you transfer to other business units (Sage 50, 100, 300, etc.)


Where do I find the contact info? Use Sage Central PeopleFinder to find People and Phone queues for other Business Units.

What steps to take before you transfer to other business units (Sage 50, 100, 300, etc.)

  1. Is the problem CC processing related
    1. Are they using a Sage Software?
      1. Which Sage software?
    2. Look at SSP for guidelines on processing payments in Sage 50, 100, 300 etc. to see if we can help with their questions
    3. Can we use the Virtual Terminal to answer their questions?
      1. Should we show them the VT to go over the transactions in question
    4. If they do not have a VTID, search for them using DBA or email in the VT Admin (specifically for FDR and PNS merchants)
      1. If they do not have a Merchant ID with us found in UNO, leave notes in the GENERAL NOTES on the General Page in the VT Admin
  2. Is the problem/question related to setting up CC processing in the software
    1. We can help! Use SSP to look up how to set up CC processing in the Sage Software
      1. pdf Sage 50 Payment Processing
      2. pdf Sage 50 CA Payment Processing - Updated
      3. pdf Sage 100 Payment Processing Guide
      4. pdf Sage 300 ERP - Upgrade Guide
    2. If it is a new merchant account, Merchant Readiness can also help.  Software setup requests can be sent to
  3. Check yourself, before you wreck yourself
    1. Have I exhausted all my tools to help this merchant
    2. Is the error message they’re receiving available in SSP to research further
    3. Have I talked to someone else on the team to get a quick second opinion
      1. Explain the situation to the new rep and get their account pulled up before you bring the merchant on the line
      2. Stay on the line until you know they can be helped by the other BU, and then do a direct transfer
      3. Make sure you follow up with a ticket to explain what you did for troubleshooting, and who they were transferred to at what number

 Where do I find the contact info? Use Sage Central PeopleFinder to find People and Phone queues for other Business Units.


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