INTERNAL How to Determine the Variance on EFT Repayment Amounts

Last Updated: December 12, 2020

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Occasionally, the amount paid to a merchant for a Virtual Check file will differ from the amount processed. This will usually occur because the merchant exceeded their risk parameters as set for the Originator ID (OID) or if the merchant received rejects on transactions in the file prior to the repayment going out. Merchants will call in to determine the reason for the difference. The steps below should assist you in determining the cause of the variance. The example used is for App ID 83616, International Christian Concern, Inc.

STEP 1: Determine the MID or App ID of the merchant calling in for more information.

STEP 2: Open the merchants ACH statement through UNO or MVR (18 months, including the current month, should be available).

STEP 3: Find the amount that the merchant was paid on the statement under the debit column and determine the name of the file. For this example, the merchant was paid $100.00 for file F119756788301-06252015-100440.

STEP 4: Use Virtual Reports to pull the EFT Funding with a date range that would include the file in question. This will confirm that the amount processed differs from the repayment amount. This merchant’s file was $120.00, but they were only paid $100.00.

STEP 5: Open the “EFT Reject Amount and Transaction Reconciliation” report in My Reports in UNO. Start with the repayment date as the reject date.  If the initial search does not pull the file name in question, use the previous date as the reject date search and continue until you find the report that includes the file name for which you are looking. This report will provide you with the SummaryID. The SummaryID for this file is 6784984. Please note that if the only rejects for this merchant happen on the repayment date, you will not need STEP 6, since this report also provides the reject details for the day of the search.

STEP 6: Open the other report available through My Reports in UNO called “EFT Reject Report For Given SummaryID”. Use the SummaryID that you obtained from the previous report to run the search.  This search will allow you to export the list of all rejects deducted from the file and arrive at the actual repayment amount.

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