Last Updated: December 12, 2020

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Sage Virtual Terminal; Web Services


Invalid C_ORIGINATOR_ID is displayed when an incorrect originator ID is passed through an integrated application.


You should confirm the following

  1. Go to Virtual Check in the Sage Virtual Terminal or Sage Exchange. You should see a drop down with a list of originator IDs. These should be a series of numbers followed by CCD/PPD and Written or Non-Written. If your OIDs are all zeros please contact support.
  2. View the failed transaction information in transaction reporting. You will see the originator ID that was passed in the transaction. This OID should match one of the numbers listed in step 1. If this is all zeros please contact support. If it is a different series of numbers you may need to manually enter the correct originator IDs in your software. 

Note to support analysts: If all zeroes are being passed as the OID you will need to open the virtual check profile and save it to reset the OID association.

If you have questions or require additional information, please submit a ticket and we will be in touch with you shortly.

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