How to perform Address Verification withough charging a credit card.

Last Updated: December 12, 2020

What's in this article?

How to perform Address Verification withough charging a credit card.


Can I perform Address Verification without charging the card?


Yes, you can use the Voice Authorization line to obtain Address Verification without holding any funds on the customer's card.

You will need either your 16-digit merchant account number (or "MID", usually beginning with "3948"), or your 7-digit V Number (or "V#", which is always a "V" followed by seven numbers).

If you have your MID, please dial 800-291-4840. If you have your V#, please dial 800-226-1007.

When asked for a Transaction Code, use "22" to indicate AVS-Only. Enter the credit card and address information when prompted, after which you will receive an AVS response -- exact match, partial match, no match, etc.

If you have questions or require additional information, please submit a ticket and we will be in touch with you shortly.

Last Modified: 03/03/2015

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