Why am I getting partial or no deposits on my Virtual Check batches?

Last Updated: December 12, 2020

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Receiving partial or no deposits on Virtual Check batches


Why am I getting partial or no deposits on my Virtual Check batches?


Every Virtual Check account has an upper limit to the dollar amount that can be processed in a thirty-day period. This is a rolling thirty days; for example, if it is the 15th of the month, the thirty days is from the present day back to the 15th or 16th of the previous month.

Some merchants may find that they are only receiving partial deposits for their Virtual Check batches, or not receiving them at all. This is typically because they have hit their 30-day volume limit.

Funds will not be deposited until the rolling thirty days of volume is beneath the limit.

You may be interested in: How can I request to have my volume limits raised?

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