Not getting a response from the Virtual Terminal after processing a transaction.

Last Updated: December 12, 2020

What's in this article?

Not getting a response from the Virtual Terminal after processing a transaction.


What do I do when I am not getting a response from the Virtual Terminal after processing a transaction?


Special characters are not allowed in the Billing, Shipping, or Order Information when running a transaction (ex. !$%*( )) .  If the Transaction page refreshes with all the information pre-filled and no response, you are either missing information or have a special character that needs to be removed. If you look towards the bottom left of the Order Information section you should see an error dialogue box in yellow.  This error dialogue box begins with the word "Invalid" and will advise you on what information is either missing or invalid.

*Depending on the character you may also get a Processing Error message. Click the Back link and verify your transaction for any invalid characters.

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