Which fields are required in an XML file import?

Last Updated: December 12, 2020

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Required fields in an XML file import


Which fields are required in an XML file import?


When uploading an XML file, the following data fields will be validated.  Please be sure to populate these fields with data, or else the file will not be able to process.  XML Sample and XML Schema Sample are also available as references.

Field Name   FormatLengthRequiredDescription
C_nameA/N1-50yesCustomers Name
C_addressA/N1-50yesBilling Address
C_cityA/N1-50yesBilling City
C_stateA/N1-50yesBilling State
C_zipN5-9yesBilling Zip
C_countryA/N1-50yesBilling Country
C_CardnumberN13-22yesCard Number (no dashes no spaces)
C_expN4yesExpiration Date (MM/YY)
T_amtNnoneyesTransaction Amount
  • 01= Sale

  • 02= Auth Only

  • 03= Force/Prior Auth Sale

  • 04= Void

  • 06= Credit

  • 11= Prior Auth Sale by Reference*

*Required T_reference

T_ordernumA/N1-50yesUnique Order Number

Additional field requirements and descriptions: 

T_authN6noPrevious (Voice) Authorization Code, Required for Force Transaction (T_code=03)
T_trackdataA/Nnonefor retailData recorded from card reader
T_referenceA/N10noUnique Reference, Required for Void and Prior

If you have questions or require additional information, please submit a ticket and we will be in touch with you shortly

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