How do I customize my donation page?

Last Updated: December 12, 2020

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Sage Virtual Terminal


How do I customize my donation page?


Start customizing your donation page by going to:

  1. Donate Now > Configuration. On this screen you will be able to customize the font, colors, banner image and URLs that your donors will be directed to. 
  2. After completing that step, go to the Configuration tab to enable/disable the recurring feature and select the recurring intervals you would like to offer. Then Tribute Email's Template and Banner Image, if applicable
  3. Next, go to Donate Now > Designations to enter the designations, go to Donate Now > Amounts to enable an “Other Amount” field, you can also list preset amounts. 
  4. To see what your donation page will look like, go to Donate Now > Configuration > Appearance, and click on the link in the Integration Code section.  Make sure to save all of your settings. 

pdf Setting Up Your Sage Donate Now System

Note: Your donation page will need to be linked to your website (see the KB article How do I link the donation page to my website?  if you need assistance).

If you have questions or require additional information, please submit a ticket and we will be in touch with you shortly.

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