What data is available on the reports for the Advanced Fraud Protection service in My Virtual Reports?

Last Updated: December 12, 2020

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Guide to Advanced Fraud Protection reporting in My Virtual Reports


The My Virtual Reports (MVR) portal (What is My Virtual Reports? ) allows the review of orders assessed through the Advanced Fraud Protection (AFV) fraud and risk mitigation system. The MVR portal allows the review of transnational information, such as transaction date/time, card number, and order number, as well as a set of fraud risk responses generated by the AFP system. These responses are listed below, and a short description is provided for a better understanding.  Please see Where can I review transactions that were identified by the Advanced Fraud Protection services? 


AApproved transaction by the AFP system*
DDeclined transaction by the AFP system*
 *Note: Approval or decline by the AFP system is not an indication that the issuing bank will generate an approval code and authorize the transaction.


Rules TriggeredDescription
0-100The number of risk rules triggered within the AFP system by the transaction.


1-99The risk score indicates the likelihood that an order is fraudulent or represents a risk of loss. Low scores indicate a low risk of fraud, while the high scores may indicate a high likelihood of fraud or risk of loss for the order.

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